Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mystics and spiritual disciplines

Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life. Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.
 And you don’t even have to be in a special place to practice it. You could even try it in your own living room! Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Faster Results with Law of Attraction

The whole idea of the law of attraction 
is to be a co creator with God in manifesting 
the things that are deepest to your heart. 
 When you use the law of attraction in the 
right way you can experience manifesting you
r desires at a much faster rate than you ever
 would have had you not made the effort
 to use it correctly.

You can use the law of attraction to manifest
 faster results by taking the  following steps.

1. Be Grateful Now Gratitude can dramatically change  your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction 
to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for.  
When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. 
 You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy.  So as the first rule to manifesting faster 
results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Year, Healthy lifestyle changes

Beginning of a new year is a good time  to make healthy lifestyle changes, when  most of us are filled with hope and enthusiasm, it's a good idea to be useful to re-think and re-define our goals. In January is a great time to set new intentions because it offers an easy-to-identify, new energy that each year it brings

Although statistics say  a number approximate to 12 percent of people succeed at their new year's resolutions we would not have to be discouraged . It's this way Really? Anyway that number seems very low to me. If that is really so,  I must  think there are several factors that play into that  low  percentage. However, let's look at some positive ways to insure that we are in that 10 percent of goal achievers for 2011 and beyond! instead of focusing on the negative reasons why so many goals are not achieved,
 With this seven tips to help we can start. Don't forget the phrase: New Year's reminder is good for all of us.
1. Journal: Notebook where you can look at them, write every goals and down, your motives for achieving them, add to them each new idea that come to your mind, or change if needed. Write too,  impressions about each goal and keep track of your progress.
2, If it is possible, every week try something new: Set a new goal, or approach an old aim in a new way. a good recipe for disappointment is to repeat resolutions you have failed to keep before . For example, instead of trying to lose a set amount of weight, vow to exercise more.
3. It's needed be specific: When you think about exactly what you are going to do, where and when,you will be avoiding a vague plans that will fail certainly . For example, instead of saying that you will go running on two or  three days each week, decide you will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays at a specific time.
4.Your mind's eye: Visualize yourself doing whatever you need to do to achieve your resolution. Focusing on this image will help you believe in your ability to succeed and raise your vibration to match the goal.
5. Discipline: New Year's resolutions generally fail because they are just as easy to dismiss as they are to make. This is a great opportunity to practice self-discipline.
6. Be positive: You will get better results from thinking about the good things that will come from your new lifestyle rather than any difficulty of letting go of your old habits.
7. . Be persistent: New habits can take time to learn, and once in a while you may slip up and revert to the old you. Most of us give in to temptation occasionally, so forgive yourself and keep moving forward.

By following these suggestions and believing that you are worthy of whatever you put your mind to, you should be set for a great 2011!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Who Suffers From Anxiety?

People who you would never suspect in a million years! In fact, Anxiety is such a widespread disorder that virtually ANYONE can suffer from it. Your uncle Buddy, your Grandma Jean, your sister Annie, your neighbor Joe, your best friend Patti, or your brother George.

But, because Anxiety is one of those 'sweep it under the carpet', “embarrassment-type-I-think-I-might-be-going-crazy” disorders, people don't like to talk about it. Or admit they are long time sufferers.

Especially if you are someone always in the public eye, such as Kim Basinger. Kim had a long, difficult struggle with Anxiety disorder, and kept it a secret for quite a good portion of her life. You would never guess it to see her up on the 'silver screen' though would you? But she in fact has spoken out publicly about her battle with Anxiety in the
hopes that this may raise awareness of this dreaded disorder. And it has. She is one brave soul to expose a huge portion of her private life like this. Kudos to you Kim!

Let us not forget also that Anxiety is believed to be an inherited disorder, although your mom or pop may not show the outward symptoms of it. Remember, this is an embarrassment disorder, or one that makes the sufferer believe they are, or are going, crazy. However, not every person who has experienced an Anxiety attack will develop a full blown disorder, but don't discount the fact that potentially they COULD.

Here's an interesting statistical fact for you. According to NIMH(National Institute of Mental Health) approximately 2.4 MILLION adult Americans suffer from some form of Anxiety or Panic Disorder. That's about 40 Million! And, it is twice as common in women as it is in men. Hmmm. . .Maybe this could be a contributing factor in why women worry so much about things? ;-)

Coincidentally, the major reason for people not knowing what is happening to them, or that they are suffering from Anxiety or Panic Disorder COULD be attributed to the fact that many cases reported began in adolescence. Therefore, a child may not be as affluent in describing what they are experiencing compared to the ability of that of an adult.

The key here is to LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN!! You would NOT want them to
endure a childhood full of suffering and not even know the reason for it.

Another interesting fact to be aware of is that Anxiety attacks don't only happen when a person is awake! They can, and often do, happen while sleeping. How scary do you think that may be to wake up to? Indescribable would be putting it MILDLY.

What Is Anxiety?

Imagine being stood in front of a high speed locomotive and you are frozen solid to the spot. Unable to move, knowing what is about to happen, and can do NOTHING to help yourself escape.

Now imagine being plunged into this scenario several times A DAY.

This is what it feels like for an Anxiety Disorder sufferer. Or as close as it can be described. The only difference is, there is no speeding train barreling towards you. It's unseen. And comes from out of no where. Without warning. Crippling you in utter fear.

Sound intense?

It IS.

The 'official' 'unofficial' description of Anxiety is a disorder in which the individual afflicted feels an intense, irrational fear and an impending sense of doom or dread.

What this means is that, in 'layman's terms', if you suffer from Anxiety Disorder, or any form of it, that you will be confronted with paralyzing fear for no apparent reason that will make you feel as if there is no possible way out of it. And you can experience this unprovoked fear at any time within the course of a day.

In addition to suffering from Anxiety Disorder, an individual may also have other common disorders that go hand-in-hand with it such as Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Agoraphobia, or any other number of Phobias that make it all the more important to seek treatment for.

 What Causes Anxiety?

Short and sweet? Everything and NOTHING! Reread the definition of it above. Now the picture should become a bit more clear.

In most documented cases of Anxiety attacks, the patient rarely reports any event that would have triggered the onset of the attack itself.

Now, with that said, let me also explain that when an Anxiety sufferer returns back to a situation or setting where a previous attack happened, this could trigger another attack, just because they'll be reminded of how terrifying that first attack was, and unconsciously be thinking about it successfully triggering yet another attack! It's a vicious cycle of fear.

And the greatest fear of an Anxiety attack/disorder sufferer? To have ANOTHER ATTACK! Hopefully this is beginning to make a little more sense to you now. Of course the attack hasn't killed them, and most likely won't, but it can sure feel like you're dying at the moment when an attack is occurring though.

So, the greatest determiner of having an Anxiety attack is also your greatest treasure, your MIND. Even though you can tell someone that is having an Anxiety attack that "It's All In Your Mind", this usually comes out leaving them feel you are trying to be condescending to their plight. Not a nice feeling I'm sure you'll agree. Even though you don't mean it in that way, this is most likely the way it is received.

To be more 'clinical' about Anxiety, it is, in fact, 'all in your mind'. Because the BRAIN is where all your Anxiety stems from. Many studies have focused mainly on two specific portions of the brain that are responsible for inducing feelings of fear and anxiety. It is simply an unannounced trigger that sets off one's “fight or flight” defense mechanism, kicks in the adrenaline, and BAM! A full blown Anxiety attack is on it's way forward.

Many times, Anxiety is brought about due to increased stress from daily life. Bills piling up, children seemingly out of control, pressure from work, family, and other events can trigger this disorder bringing it to the surface of an otherwise “dormant” carrier of the genetic traits passed on by their parents.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Attract the Universe and Achieve Your Goals

The Universal Law of Attraction can be a very effective tool in making you achieve your goals and practically everything else you want to have in this lifetime. You will realize that desire should always start from within, and the world will just obey your thoughts, actions and ideas. Here are some guidelines on how to get your objectives just the way you want.

Ask the Universe

According to the Universal Law of Attraction, ask the universe and it shall give to you. However, to achieve your goals, you have to truly have an idea about what kind of thing or event you want to happen in your life. There are plenty of items that you can ask from the world. The most common are superficial things such as money, a new car, a new house, etc. More meaningful items include better relationships with your family or wife, happiness in your job and life, etc. All of these can be given to you at the time you want and in the extent you need.

The Way You Ask

The way you ask the universe will also matter. Keep in mind that the universe will immediately hear and respond in the manner you believe in. Your first thought might go, 'I want a brand new Ferrari.' The world will then respond, 'Your wish is my command.' However, other thoughts can still enter such as, 'But it may still be when I'm in my 40's.' or 'But it will happen when I get the promotion.' or even 'It can't happen.' The world will just say yes to everything you inject in your thoughts.

The time, extent, severity and other details of your wish will be determined by your mind alone. If you have any doubt or disbelief about the power of the universe to provide, then it will truly give to you accordingly. Make sure you clean your thoughts thoroughly so that you set your goals straight and allow the universe to perform the best way.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Are All Energy Healings the Same?

You have probably come across exotic-sounding terms such as “chakra”, “prana”, “aura”, and “tantra” in your course of reading books on spirituality, sex, and healing in the New Age literature section of the bookstore. But what’s the real scoop behind these exotic vocabularies?

Are All Energy Healings the Same?

Chakra or energy center is a term used in Pranic healing, an ancient Hindu system of energy healing. “Prana” means life energy. “Aura” is another terminology traced to Pranic healing. Aura is a non-physical body that consists of energy, which exists along with our physical body. The aura that covers our body is said to have seven layers pertaining to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual as manifested by energy. Studying the color and thickness of auras give ideas on the state of health of individuals. Six colors are associated with aura and interpreted into six personalities. These colors are all present in an individual but one or two are more pronounced.
Green – ambitious achiever
Blue – spiritual peacemaker
White – unconventional chameleon
Red – activist
Orange – creative communicator
Violet - psychic

Although Tantra is popularly associated with the peculiar practice of sex and spirituality, it is another method of energy healing. It comes from the word “tan” which means to spread or expand. The concept of connectedness is a recurring theme in Tantric writings on sex and spirituality. As a method of healing, spirituality and sex figure prominently. It is presupposed that the union of man and woman can reach spiritual levels during orgasm, which removes the body and mind off collected impurities. These impurities being negative energies can in turn manifest as physical illnesses.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Different stress class

Internal Stress

There are times when you constantly worry about certain events without having enough control to determine its outcome. Internal stress is also one of those kinds of stress that needs to be addressed quickly. Most of the source of stress is rooted in the person's mind, which makes it difficult to manage and would entail more work to get rid of. Oftentimes, people suffering from internal stress subconsciously puts themselves in stressful situations or feel stressed out about things that aren't stressful to begin with.  Creating a balance in the daily life is a challenge. Still it is possible to create a more balanced every day life.

Survival Stress

This type of stress deals with the danger, mostly physical, that an individual is subjected to. It can be prompted by an attack made by either human or animal that could potentially hurt you in the process. Therefore, your body releases this burst of energy that you need to utilize to respond quickly about the situation at hand whether to confront it or escape from it.